Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Art Projects Thru The Years @ CAT

I remember in 9th grade digital media we traced a picture in Adobe. I had done Einstein's face and at first it was all difficult to start and get 
what I need to do in order to start tracing but that all later came together.
I learned that I can work on computers for my first year at CAT. I do not remember 
what I did for Art class in 9th grade, probably a self portrait, not sure, 
but I know it studied my drawing art skills.
In 10th grade I was not here for the first semester when it was Digital Media
I was at washington taking gym. Then for second semester I came to cat and we had 
Art, I do not remember me doing a website, I don't think I was at cat until this project 
was done.
In 11th grade for Digital media we had gotten a strip of paper from our teacher 
that we had to show what was in the strip of paper, it was I think a world wide fact and 
we had to put together on photoshop all pictures explaining this fact. I had gotten a
good review on how to explain something with only picture and set a mood for a 
picture,and bring out the meaning in the collage. It was good on how to make pics
good and detailed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Post #9

To me the 5 to 7 characteristics that make a good web design is:
1. Bold headers
2. Readable Text
3. Pictures, or downloadable images to, VERY DETAILED images is nice
4. Interesting facts, or stories can be personal, or can be about someone
5. Music
7. Most of all interesting creativity, like the layout
8. Color

The 5 to 7 characteristics that make's a bad web design:
1. Small Text that I cannot read
2. Boring plain layout
3. Overcrowding, too much on a web page
4. A bad set of colors that do not work with each other
5. Not so much color s people can follow the text
6. Not easy to follow

Friday, January 16, 2009

Detailed Drawing

#5 Connecting project to my definition...

1. My complete definition of art is something that is original, creative, and has feeling to it, the only person that can bring the feeling out is the artist of the piece. It can be anything that the person wants it to be as long as it applies to these words. My definition of what's not art is, no matter if someone even says it is art, is something that already exists with no meaning someone makes a art piece of it, it has no sense of originality or creativity.
2. My art piece is a good example of my definition to art by showing originality, it is different from all other dresses. It is not perfect but it is my originality of a dress design.
3. To me the feeling of my piece was trying to be elegant, and feeling magical.
4. The most difficult part of this project was trying to make the drawing look very neat. Very detailed, getting the right shape of the dress. I have gotten over challenges by putting time, and neatness in the drawing, and thinking a lot of what I want it to look like.

#4 I want the message...

I want the message of my finished piece to be that art can come in many different forms. Especially clothing, there are things out there that is shown more as art to people while others find other things that are art. Like to someone photographs is a sense of art to them, while someone else finds makeup as a sense of face art. Also art does not always look so perfect, but if it is art to someone then there should be no problem in doing their process of what's art. Be creative, most of all original, but if a person wants to just draw, then do whatever you want, you can copy an image, it can help your skills, but to make a original piece from scratch, just be original and creative no matter if it looks bad because we all don't draw so great. Artistic affects I want to achieve is creativity, and being precise with lines.


Monday, January 12, 2009

What Is and Isn't Art??? Final Paper

To me art is something that is creative, something that shows emotion, a very beautiful thing that you want to look at, something different from everyday life, and does not seem very simple. To me the music video Soon We'll be found by the Australian Singer Sia is a very free, fun spirited, creative time into bringing sign language, color, paint, shadow puppets, and black light all into one different vision of life for the problems people face everyday. She talks about how she for once does not want to fight, to finally get some sleep, and that eventually they will find themselves together in the end in a better relationship. So in the video it is just one whole active piece of art. It is a magically colorful world, which is explaining that maybe a weird journey will take them to another place to open their eyes that life itself is magical. 

This to me is not Art at all! This is a picture of Campbell's Soup by Andy Warhol. It has sense of feeling at all. It represents no feeling, creativity, or sense of time taken into this to make. It has no sense of originality to it. Maybe it represents how much he loves Campbell's soup? This should have not been released; it just should of stayed in "The Factory" where all his artwork was made as he called it. I would never want to see this in a house; it just only makes things more odd, and weird. It just is an exact replica of what it is, no originality at all. What was the point to this, I just do not see what he was trying to bring across. I know it is a different picture than many other things but it is not an original different separation of other art pieces. Maybe if it other words or saying on it, with different colors, something to make it different then maybe. But not an art piece I like.

To me the most creative work of art is clothing. I find it very fascinating with some designs that are made as clothing to wear. The shape, the colors, the accessories, the many different original ideas!!! It takes time, its creative, it original but not always, it’s fascinating to look at. The process to make itself is just art coming to life. You have to draw, sew, cut, paste! It has so much work taken into it just to make the art come alive and have everyone see. Fashion art can be so elegant and can make everyone feel like a whole live person. You can see at times when someone feels and looks beautiful in a dress, or outfit. It can help represent your style, your way of being, the way you feel. If you love black you wear black, if color then you wear color. It has so many possibilities, and anyone can go beyond anything that is made. If you feel fierce you dress dark with metal, calm you wear a soft color, elegant a huge or small gown with jewelry. It's just bizarre how many possibilities there are.

The art of fashion can open many doors to different styles and color. It can make you think in new ways to open doors for different ways of wearing things, like shapes (circle, triangle, square) size, small or big, cut short or keep long, layers, thin, thick, warm, cold, foux furry, leather, latex, lace, stripes, whatever you feel you can make!!! It has so many creative parts to it, it's just great to look at. Sometimes Fashion pieces are just so stupid and ugly. They are typical, have no time taken into it, and, they are overpriced! Color is color, you can use it as much as you want but its the shape and typical style that too many people.

As long as it is creative, original, with feeling, and looks like the time it was taken into then it is a work of art!!!