Friday, January 9, 2009

What is not Art???

This to me is not Art at all! This is a picture of Campbell's Soup by Andy Warhol. It has sense of feeling at all. It represents no feeling, creativity, or sense of time taken into this to make. It has no sense of originality to it. Maybe it represents how much he loves Campbell's soup? This should of not been released, it just should of stayed in "The Factory" where all his art work was made as he called it. I would never want to see this in a house, it just only makes things more odd, and weird. It just is a exact replica of what it is, no originality at all. What was the point to this, I just do not see what he was trying to bring across. I know it is a different picture than many other things but it is not a original different separation of other art pieces. Maybe if it other words or saying on it, with different colors, something to make it different then maybe. But not a art piece I like. 


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