Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Art Projects Thru The Years @ CAT

I remember in 9th grade digital media we traced a picture in Adobe. I had done Einstein's face and at first it was all difficult to start and get 
what I need to do in order to start tracing but that all later came together.
I learned that I can work on computers for my first year at CAT. I do not remember 
what I did for Art class in 9th grade, probably a self portrait, not sure, 
but I know it studied my drawing art skills.
In 10th grade I was not here for the first semester when it was Digital Media
I was at washington taking gym. Then for second semester I came to cat and we had 
Art, I do not remember me doing a website, I don't think I was at cat until this project 
was done.
In 11th grade for Digital media we had gotten a strip of paper from our teacher 
that we had to show what was in the strip of paper, it was I think a world wide fact and 
we had to put together on photoshop all pictures explaining this fact. I had gotten a
good review on how to explain something with only picture and set a mood for a 
picture,and bring out the meaning in the collage. It was good on how to make pics
good and detailed.